Attended fine arts academy classes in bolonga sculpture branch 曾就读于博洛尼亚美术学院雕塑系
1983 studied in the sculpture faculty of zhejiang fine arts academy 1983年在浙江美术学院雕塑系学习
2000 the second china young ceramic artists biennale , the art gallery of china fine arts academy 2000年中国美术学院展览馆第二届中国当代青年陶艺家作品双年展
After his graduation from the arts and crafts department of zhejiang fine arts academy in 1965 , he was assigned to work in the academy the same year 陈淞贤, 1941年生,浙江省上虞县人。 1965年毕业于浙江美术学院工艺美术系,同年留校任教。
Xie is director of the liu haisu fine art academy , council member of the guilin sinojapanese calligraphy society ; managing director of the chinese fine artist and culture association , emeritus professor of art of the new orleans academy of fine art 谢天成现任刘海粟艺术桂林研究院院长;桂林中日书法研究会理事;美国中美文化艺术交流促进理事;美国新奥尔良美术学院名誉教授。
He is now a professor of china fine arts academy , instructor of postgraduate students , one of the first members of unesco - iac from mainland china , member of the ceramic commission of china artists of china artists association , one of the jurors of " china ceramic art masters " and deputy director of the jury of the seventh national ceramic art and design competition 历任浙江美术学院工艺美术系主任中国美术学院工业设计与陶艺系主任院学术学位委员会委员。现为中国美术学院教授研究生导师联合国教科文组织国际陶艺学会中国大陆首批会员,中国美术家协会陶艺专业委员会委员,全国第七届陶展评审委员会副主任。